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City of Imperial Logo

Monday, September 20, 2010

Ice Cream Social and Celebration

What a great afternoon!  There was an awesome turnout to celebrate the opening of the new Lions restrooms.  The completion of the restrooms along with last year’s new playground area and the Lions picnic shelter make Campbell Park a great location for people to gather.  The Campbell Park improvements are another example of what can be accomplished when people and organizations come together and work towards a common goal.  Thank you to all the organizations and volunteers that made the Campbell Park development project, a success and a special thanks to the Lutheran Youth for serving the ice cream.  See you at the park.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

We're Celebrating!!

We're having an Ice Cream party September 19 at 1:00 p.m. in Campbell Park. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets along with the kids and grandma and grandpa! We're so happy to have the new restroom complete and the great new playground available, so we're going to have a treat and some good fun. See you there

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Meeting of the Minds set for August 31st

“Meeting of the Minds” is a gathering of representatives from groups and organizations in and around our community. The group was formed to try and coordinate the efforts of civic and professional organizations to maximize volunteers. The first meeting of the group resulted in a Community Calendar that is available to post activities and events, accessible on the City’s website. The second Meeting of the Minds will be held Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the Zion Lutheran Church in Imperial. All are welcome!

Street Project Update

Travelers in Imperial should be aware that 9th street is closed at the intersection of Chase and E. 9th Street. Final work is being done to complete the subgrade work and new concrete paving. The best route to take if you need to go to Chase County Schools is to use East 5th Street to Longhorn, then travel north to 9th Street and enter the school’s parking areas. Exit the area using the same route. If you need to go to Chase County Fairgrounds, you may use the same route and travel to the driveway on the north side of the grounds. You can also enter the fairgrounds from the driveway on Park Street. Be aware that East 12th Street is closed from Highway 61 to Shorthorn Street. We understand the closings are very inconvenient, we hope the resulting streets will be worth the wait!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Interactive Community Calendar Goes Live

The Community Calendar is up and running! If you have an organizational event or meeting that you would like to share, go to the City's website at and click the Community Calendar tab on the left. Fill out the form with the event, times and locations, contact information and a short description of your event. Once the submittal is approved, it will appear on the calendar for the public to view. This calendar is not intended to be used for commercial or personal advertising or events. Please post only organization or community information. We hope this will become a tool that can be used to schedule events and inform the public about all the things happening in our area!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Make Plans to Attend the Chase County Fair

Plan to attend the Chase County Fair (August 15 - 22). This week long event is filled with family friendly activities and name brand entertainment. While you are there grab an Eagle's burger, play some Lions Bingo and take a ride on the ferris wheel. And don't forget the parade on Saturday. This year's theme is “Barbwire and Roses." Make sure to watch for Grand Marshalls Frank and Alice Clements.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

9th Street Update

The Chase County Fair is quickly approaching and everyone is abuzz with plans and projects. There have been concerns about the status of 9th Street, so hopefully this will help calm some fears. The construction was supposed to have been completed by July 15 – in plenty of time for the fair, but unfortunately that didn’t happen. The crews are well aware of the importance of having the street completed in time for traffic prior to and during fair week, so they have brought in more workers and are working much longer hours to ensure the work is done. The first strip of concrete is in place this morning and we anticipate it will be done by the end of the week if they don’t have rain delays. There will be a section at the west end of the project at the intersection of 9th & Chase Streets that will need considerably more work, but the contractor will put asphalt millings in that area so that traffic can continue on the street until after fair is over. The balance of the work will be undertaken at that time. We really do appreciate the patience of the traveling public, residents and businesses during this large construction project. It will be a very nice addition to the community when the streets are complete!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Thank you for making the Quasquicentennial Celebration a huge success!

Community volunteers worked for months organizing Imperial's Quasquicentennical Celebration. Despite the rain on Friday night, the weekend was a huge sucess. A special thank you to all the volunteers, service organizations and venders who participated in making it a great weekend.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

2010 Pool Rates

The swimming pool is open and we invite you to enjoy a relaxing day of swimming and water fun! We had some problems on Saturday with contamination and had to close for a couple of days to ensure that the water quality was safe for the public to swim.

As a thank you to the community for your patience and understanding during the first part of the summer, the Park Board has decided to offer free swimming for the rest of the week. There will be no charge to swim until July 12th. On the 12th, the following rates will apply:

Daily Admission: Adults (Age 12 & Over) - $4.00 Children - $3.00
Family Pass: $50.00 (Immediate family only) Can add a babysitter for $5 extra
Single Pass: $25.00
Water Aerobics: $17.50
Lap Swimming: $12.50

Two sessions of swimming lessons will be held - July 12-23 and August 2-13.
The charge for lessons is 20.00 per child and you can sign up at the swimming pool.

The pool will close for the season on August 18, 2010.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Swimming Pool Update

We've missed our swimming pool! The good news is that we are planning to open the pool on Saturday, July 3, so get your suits and sunscreen and head over for a cool and relaxing swim.

We have a temporary fix in place so that we can operate the pool for the rest of the summer. Due to the construction on East 9th Street, the route to the pool will have to be changed slightly. East 5th Street will be accessible from the west on Friday. The best way to drive to the pool will be from East 5th Street, turning at the entrance to the Chase County School athletic fields and drive to the parking lot north of the pool. Those who walk to the pool would be wise to use the same route since walking across the fairgrounds will be somewhat dangerous with all the heavy construction equipment in use. East 9th Street will likely be closed until the first part of August.

Permanent repairs will have to be made after the pool closes in August. The Park Board will be meeting this week to determine rates for the summer because of the shorter time period. Stay tuned for more information.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Imperial's Quasquicentennial Celebration

Imperial's Quasquicentennial Celebration is scheduled for the July 4th weekend. Community volunteers have been working hard all year to make this a weekend to remember. Festivities kick off at 5 pm mountain time on Friday night with a birthday party and conclude on Sunday with the Firemen's Annual Fun Day. Whether you are into running, frog jumping, quilting, muscial perforances or historical displays, the Quasquicentennial Celebration offers fun activities you are sure to enjoy.

For more information regarding this event check out the city's website: